Are Your Chakras Balanced?

You see, we all have these magical networks of energy systems called Chakras, that govern everything we do and is deeply connected with the Universe.

Each Chakra represents a different aspect of our lives, from physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. When all of our energy centers are balanced, it flows freely throughout our bodies, making us feel like a Superhero.

When they’re out of balance, we can feel stuck, stagnant, and confused about the direction our life is heading and your life feels like you are in and out of chaos.

So, what do you think…Are your Chakras Balanced? 

Sign Up to find out with a FREE Chakra Assessment and then schedule your FREE Wellness Assessment to learn how to Find Balance and Heal Your Chakras!

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E-Book when you Join Today!


As you explore the magnificent seven Chakras and discover each one’s unique characteristics, you can discover all the qualities that embody the specific energies associated with your Chakras and learn how to use various Asanas,(yoga poses) and resources for healing and restore balance to your Chakras.

You will receive your FREE Chakra E-Book to jump-start your Healing journey of Transformation when you join the Chakra Yoga Masterclass.

Discover your Divine Soul Star Energy Blueprint!

Your Soul Star Blueprint is a powerful tool using Ancient Metaphysical tools using Astrology, Numerology, and the Stars specifically aligned at your time of birth that is specific to you. Gain valuable insights into your Divine purpose, personality, charactor strengths and limitations that could hinder your progress on your journey. Explore your Divine Soul Purpose looking up to the Stars!

Are You Ready to Feel Better, Move Better, & Look Better?


Meet Your Trainer & Head Coach

Daphne Arrington, COTA, LMT, CPT, CES, RYT

Daphne Arrington, COTA, LMT, CPT, CES, RYT

 Welcome Home and I am so Grateful that you found your way to this Divine Sacred Community!

My name is Daphne Arrington, or as some of my clients call me, “THE BODY WHISPERER”.  I have been called some other names during sessions, but let’s save that for Another Time!

As your Wellness Coach and Trainer, It is my duty to provide you with all of the Holistic Wellness Tools that I used while on my own Holistic Transformation Journey. In 2015, I lost over 85lbs by changing to a Holisitc lifestyle and Eating Clean, Exercise, and All the things of Self-care in Mind, Body, & Soul.

I changed my 16-year Career in Occupational Therapy specializing in Neurological Rehabilition working with patients in the hospital, to a new career as a Yoga Therapist, Group Fitness Instructor, and Certified Personal Trainer.  I continued the path to develop my skills as a Health & Wellness Professional and now hold a License in Massage Therapy, Certified in Trigger Point Therapy and Myofascial Release.

You see, while I was on my own journey, I had a Spiritual Awakening that transformed my desire to help others in the medical field, to having a Strong desire to fulfill my Soul Purpose and Teach others how to Heal Yourself and prevent disease. I decided to leave my career in Occupational Therapy and to take a leap of Faith to follow my dreams and pursue my Soul Purpose to teach others how to eliminate pain in the joints and body, increase flexibility, and to Learn how to FIRST LOVE YOURSELF! 


JOIN The “FLY” Self-Care Toolbox Program Today!

When you join The F.L.Y Self-Care Toolbox 90 Day program you will Learn how to use the same Holisitc Tools, and study from the same Books that helped me to Transform my Life.

Each month you will be provided with the Resources and Guidance from ME, your Certified and Licensed Wellness Coach that will be your Guide along your Transformational Journey.


Explore and Learn how to use Holistic tools like, Crystals, Astrology, Numerology, Chakras, Oracle Cards, Affirmations, Sound Healing, Meditation, Breathing Techniques, and so much more.




The F.L.Y "First Love Yourself" Self-Care Toolbox

Sign up Today and receive my Exclusive list of the TOP 6 Wellness Supplements that I used on my Transformation Journey and Discount codes to get your own.

**Bonus Gifts when you Join the 90 Day Transformation Program

“It All Starts in the Mind”


‘Train Like an Athlete”


“Learn How to FLY”


3 Levels of Transformation

Your Spiritual Transformation Journey Starts Now!

If You are READY TO FIRST LOVE YOURSELF, Spread your wings and FLY…and You are not looking back anymore…

You can take the Leap of Faith and join the ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM…

The “GODDESS AWAKENING” Self-Love Transformation Journey Book Club!

You will receive all of the Holistic Wellness Tools that worked for me on my 12-month Transformational Journey. Learn a new Holistic Wellness Tool each month and I will provide you guidance to customize your learning experience on your journey to Heal Yourself.